Join Books & Biceps, your home for sophisticated meatheads.

BONUS: Subscribe today and get your free copy of Meathead Movie Workouts – Vol. 1.

Each Meathead Movie Workout Week is built around one of your favorite action/sports movie stars. Each individual workout includes your favorite movie quotes and exercises that go along with the individual daily movies. In many cases, there are movements and routines made up entirely for the purposes of the movie workouts. If you’ve gotten this far, then you’re interested… And that’s because there has never been anything like this:
A month’s worth of workouts (even if you train five days a week) that you can do from home that reminds you of your favorite movie that gets you pumped up every day to exercise… I basically built these workout because I wished they existed.
You get:
– Four full weekly-themed workouts (Stallone, Arnold, Denzel and Wesley).
– Twenty complete workouts that take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
– Over 50 movie quotes from the best action/sports movies ever made.
– Original thoughts/features about each movie and how they tie in to the week.
There should be no boggle. Join here:
And if you’d like to read some testimonials for Books & Biceps and my writing from Mark Cuban, Spike Lee, Kevin Durant, Steve Rushin, Jeff Pearlman and more, click here.